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API Usage

pintora API in the browser

Here is the API of @pintora/standalone.

import pintora from '@pintora/standalone'
  • Use pintora if you are using the ESM lib.
  • Use pintora.default if you are using the UMD lib.

Here are some useful APIs.

interface PintoraStandalone {
renderTo(code: string, options: RenderToOptions): void
renderContentOf(container: HTMLElement, options: RenderContentOptions = {}): void;

type RenderContentOptions = {
* sometimes you want to customize content rather than simply `innerText`
getContent?(container: HTMLElement): string | undefined
* destination container for result element,
* if not specified, pintora will create a '.pintora-wrapper' element and insert it before the container
resultContainer?: HTMLElement

renderTo(code, options)

type RenderToOptions = {
container: HTMLElement
renderer?: RendererType
onRender?(renderer: IRenderer): void
onError?(error: Error): void
enhanceGraphicIR?(ir: GraphicsIR): GraphicsIR
config?: PintoraConfig
* An option dict to specify different types of diagram event listeners
eventsHandlers?: Partial<{
[K in DiagramEventType]: (diagramEvent: IDiagramEvent) => void;

For example:

const container = document.createElement('div')

pintora.renderTo(code, {
config: {
themeConfig: {
theme: 'dark'

renderContentOf(container, options?)

This function will call pintora.renderTo underneath, and will read some dataset of the container element to get some options for one render.

  • data-renderer, pintora RendererType, currently svg and canvas are supported.

For example:

<pre className="pintora" data-renderer="canvas">
* Root
** Second

<script type="module">
import pintora from ''
document.querySelectorAll('.pintora').forEach((codeElement) => {


An event manager for Diagram Event. Let's see the types.

* A DiagramEvent eventbus
class DiagramEventManager extends EventEmitter {
addRecognizer(recognizer: IDiagramEventRecognizer): void

on<D extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas = any, T extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas[D] = any>(
evt: DiagramEventType,
handler: (dEvent: IDiagramEvent<D, T>) => void,
once?: boolean,
): Function

const diagramEventManager: DiagramEventManager

on(evt, handler)

Only the renders that happen after the event binding will trigger the event handler.

In the example below, only the click handler will be triggered because it is bound before the render.

const disposeClickListener = pintora.diagramEventManager.on('click', (item) => {
console.log('diagramEvent click', item)

pintora.renderTo(code, {...configs})

const disposeMouseenterListener = pintora.diagramEventManager.on('mouseenter', (item) => {
console.log('diagramEvent mouseenter', item)

pintora API in Node.js (@pintora/cli)

It's a little bit more complicated in Node.js than in the browser, we need to borrow some power from jsdom or node-canvas. Some wrapper functions are exported from the @pintora/cli package - the same one described in the Cli Usage Doc, but this time we use it as a Node.js library.


export type CLIRenderOptions = {
* pintora DSL to render
code: string
devicePixelRatio?: number | null
mimeType?: string
* Assign extra background color
backgroundColor?: string
pintoraConfig?: Partial<PintoraConfig>
* width of the output, height will be calculated according to the diagram content ratio
width?: number

export function render(options: CLIRenderOptions): Promise<string | buffer>

Current supported mimeType

  • image/svg+xml
  • image/jpeg
  • image/png

Some example code:

import { render, PintoraConfig } from '@pintora/cli'
import * as fs from 'fs'

const buildSVG = async (code: string, config?: Partial<PintoraConfig>) => {
const str = await render({
code: code,
pintoraConfig: config,
mimeType: 'image/svg+xml',
width: 1000,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
fs.writeFileSync('example.svg', str)

const buildPNG = async (code: string, config?: Partial<PintoraConfig>) => {
const buf = await render({
code: code,
pintoraConfig: config,
mimeType: 'image/png',
width: 800,
backgroundColor: '#fdfdfd', // use some other background color
fs.writeFileSync('example.png', buf)

const code = `
:render functionl called;
if (is mimeType image/svg+xml ?) then
:renderer svg;
:render with jsdom;
:generate string;
else (no)
:renderer canvas;
:render with node-canvas;
:generate image buffer by mimeType;

:return result;




pitora in WinterCG runtime

Experiment This is still at a very early stage and need more examples.

The Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group (WinterCG) is a community of people who are interested in using Web Platform APIs outside of browsers, namely on the server (Deno / Node.js) or edge runtimes (Cloudflare Workers / Deno).

There are some WinterCG compatible runtimes nowadays, pintora tries its best to be able to run in a Minimum Common Web Platform API runtime.

A package @pintora/target-wintercg is providing a bundled JS file containing pintora and its dependencies.

Some notes:

  • almost all Node.js module dependencies are replaced with JS polyfills, so bundle size is not very pleasant - about 2.4MB without minify for now.
  • text-metric is implemented with the help of fontkit, this eliminates our dependency on node-canvas - or more precisely, CanvasRenderingContext2D's measureText().


  • font loading is not yet supported, all the text-metric is calculated with SourceCode Pro-Medium.ttf font data pre-bundled into the JS file.
  • only svg renderer is supported in this runtime.


import pintoraStandalone from '@pintora/standalone'

export type RuntimeRenderOptions = {
* pintora DSL to render
code: string
devicePixelRatio?: number | null
mimeType?: string
* Assign extra background color
backgroundColor?: string
// pintoraConfig?: DeepPartial<PintoraConfig>
* width of the output, height will be calculated according to the diagram content ratio
width?: number

export async function render(opts: RuntimeRenderOptions): Promise<{
type: string
data: any

export default pintoraStandalone


import { render } from '@pintora/target-wintercg'

code: `
title: Mind Map levels
* UML Diagrams
** Behavior Diagrams
*** Sequence Diagram
*** State Diagram